4 Reasons to 努力实现工作与学校生活的健康平衡

2019年9月25日   |   一般, 学生, 成功秘诀

Working, pursing your education, and having a family or social life can be a lot to manage. Though juggling multiple responsibilities may be difficult, it is possible! 当你 完成你的大学学位, consider the following reasons why finding a good life balance is essential for your productivity, 健康, 个人关系:

1. 你的身心健康.

保持繁忙的日程并不容易. 但, if you allow the stress to build and don’t give yourself break time, 你可能会面临失眠等问题, 乏力, 高血压, 易怒, 悲伤, 或愤怒.1,2

Before you experience burnout—a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity2—schedule time away from your work, school, and personal obligations to nurture your wellbeing.

Taking time for yourself can be as simple as popping in your headphones and listening to your favorite music with your eyes closed, 在你的社区里散步, 或者安排时间去拜访朋友和家人. 当你这样做的时候, you might find that those moments away from your responsibilities reduces your stress levels and enables you to return to your obligations with a clear mind and improved focus.

2. 为生活中的惊喜做好准备.

没有人知道什么时候会发生意想不到的事情. So, try your best to work early when your schedule permits. Then, if times get tough, you won’t have to scramble to complete coursework at the last minute.

At the start of each semester, build a calendar around your class syllabus. Think about your work, school, and family responsibilities. Identify the areas requiring more time and the things you can complete at your leisure.

Develop a plan and document due dates for written assignments like re搜索 papers and projects as soon as you receive them, 留出阅读的时间, 研究, 头脑风暴, 起草, and completing the assignment before your deadlines approach. 如果有什么事情需要你的时间和精力, your organization and preparation will leave you one or more steps ahead!

3. 学习如何优化时间.

Making sure you’re getting enough rest and are 睡眠ing at optimal times is essential to sustaining balance in your life and boosting and supporting your productivity. According to The National Sleep Foundation, studies show U.S. companies lose more than $63 billion a year in lost productivity because of 睡眠 deprivation.3 在你感到疲惫之前, take proactive steps to ensure you receive adequate rest and get to bed at a reasonable time.

Adjust your schedule to go to bed and wake 15-30 minutes earlier than normal. Continue to increase the time until you reach your preferred 睡眠 and wake times. Use the extra time to get a jump start on your reading assignments or reviewing your course’s discussion board posts, 课堂笔记, 或者老师的评论. In the long run, you might see an increase in your productivity and energy levels.3

Take steps to optimize your downtime through organization and preparation. 例如, 当你坐在候诊室的时候, 你在工作的午休时间吗, 或者正在等着接孩子放学, 利用这段时间复习课堂笔记, 提前完成阅读要求, 或者查看讨论板. 你甚至可以访问你的任务, listen to live chats or send messages to your professors on your 学院的手机应用.

4. 包括你的家人.

You might feel pulled in several directions when deciding where to direct your attention at the end of the day. This may be even more challenging if you have family obligations. 但, building a routine and planning can help sustain balance at home and keep yourself and your family happy.

指定 家庭阅读和学习时间. When you sit down to complete homework, encourage your children to do the same. Set an example by letting them see you study, read, write, and take notes. 向你的孩子展示你在做什么以及你是怎么做的.

如果你正在学习新的词汇或概念, 例如, create notecards to review the information and teach your children to do the same. 把问题写在前面,答案写在后面. If your kids are old enough to help, have them quiz you and vice versa. When you learn something that might interest your children, share it with them. Let them see your excitement to learn and encourage them to explore their interests too. Seeing how you work to achieve your goals shows them they can do it too!

Use these moments as a time to explore education and bond as a family. Remember, you don’t have to sacrifice your family time, job or wellbeing to complete your degree.

Finding balance as a student, employee, or parent can be a challenge, but we’re here to help! 联系你的学生成功教练, 教师, or classmates who may offer 资源 or encouragement when you need it. 在网上与你的同伴联系 GetSet社区 给CTU的学生!

1. “压力的症状.“中央社报道. 2019年9月3日发布. http://www.中央社报道.com/balance/stress-management/stress-symptoms-effects_of-stress-on-the-body#2
2. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.梅奥诊所. 2019年9月3日发布. http://www.mayoclinic.org/健康y-lifestyle/adult-健康/in-depth/burnout/art-20046642
3. “Shifting your 睡眠 schedule could help you tackle your to-do list, work out more often, and more.国家睡眠基金会. 2019年9月3日发布. http://www.睡眠.org/articles/boost-daytime-productivity/

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