
A degree may open the door to a variety of opportunities and diverse career paths. The degree programs offered at CTU will not necessarily lead to the featured careers. This collection of articles is intended to help inform and guide you through the process of determining which level of degree and types of certifications align with your desired career path.

就业前景 registered nurses (RNs)预计到2024年将增长16%, 根据美国政府的最新数据.S. 劳工统计局.1 虽然这一预期增长可能被视为一个积极的迹象, those interested in joining the nursing workforce may want to consider the skills and qualities needed before entering a career in nursing.


Successful leaders in nursing must inspire others to work together effectively toward a shared goal. 这些目标的例子包括提供优质护理, 降低感染率, 设计节约成本的程序, 或者挑战新政策的道德规范. Other common traits of nursing leaders include helping others find meaning or purpose and developing trust through displaying reliability and consistency.2


A nurse should have exceptional stamina and a strong work ethic since their occupations often require long shifts and heavy patient loads while operating in stressful environments. Physically, the job demands that RNs remain on their feet for long periods of time as well as lift heavy equipment and provide physical support to patients.3, 4

Mental stamina and emotional stability are also crucial in a field like nursing. Nursing professionals may encounter pressure and difficult emotions that occur when dealing with trauma, 每天发生的人类苦难和其他紧急情况. Nurses must be able to stay focused and attentive when meeting the challenges and responsibilities involved in caring for patients.3, 4


Empathy allows nurses to let others express their concerns and provide feedback without taking on grief or other burdening emotions. Being compassionate and caring are also key elements involved in empathy. Empathetic and kindhearted nurses can understand what patients or family members are going through and provide comfort by listening to and addressing their concerns.3, 5


A positive attitude can be a great attribute in any aspect of someone’s life, 但这可能对护理事业尤其重要. Those with optimistic or positive attitudes tend to handle stress better, and a sense of humor may help alleviate the toll that stressful situations can have on nurses, colleagues, 病人及家属.5, 6


Time spent at a hospital is typically stressful for patients and their families. Therefore, it is up to nurses to bridge the communication gap that may exist between an institution and the patient or the patient and a physician. Strong communication skills can help mitigate frustration and ease anxiety for the patient and their loved ones. A large part of effective communication is speaking politely and patiently as well as active listening. 为了解决问题, 尤其是在情绪激动的情况下, 对护士来说,拥有出众的语言能力是至关重要的, 倾听和人际交往能力.4, 5

Furthermore, clear communication with other members of a health care team can save time and help make completing medical tasks easier. In addition, effective communication can assist doctors and nurses in determining diagnoses and developing treatment plans.5


Nursing can be challenging when dealing with diverse patients at different levels of care. A nurse may want to take into consideration the likelihood that he or she will treat an assorted patient population with varying personalities, 文化和宗教. Also, they should prepare to work with a diverse level of diagnoses. RNs are required to perform multiple tasks and handle numerous patients throughout a day and in many environments. Attributes of adaptability and flexibility are essential for those in nursing positions.4

Whether pursuing nursing or another position in the health care industry, certain personal attributes and qualities are important and may help contribute to success in an RN career.


科罗拉多理工大学’s mission is to provide industry-related higher education to a diverse student population through innovative technology and experienced faculty, 实现个人和职业目标. 如果你对获得护理学位感兴趣, 科罗拉多理工大学’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.aacnnursing.org/ccne-accreditation). 了解更多有关CTU护理项目的信息.

1 注册护士:摘要.摘自:http://www.bls.gov /哦/医疗/注册护士.htm(2017年8月23日访问).
2 Weiss, Sally A. and Ruth M. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.摘自:http://books.google.com/books?isbn=0803640560(10/11/17参观).
3 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.摘自:http://www.bls.gov /哦/医疗/注册护士.htm#tab-4(2017年8月23日参观).
4 "优秀护士的十大特质.摘自:http://www.aclsonline.us/articles/伟大护士的十大特质/(访问8/23/2017).
5 Kapoor, Swati. “成为一名好护士的10个品质.摘自:http://minoritynurse.http://www.qualtis-that-make -a-great nurse/(访问8/23/2017).
6 Bergland,克里斯托弗. 乐观能稳定皮质醇水平,降低压力.摘自:http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201307/optimism-stabilizes-cortisol-levels-and-lowers-stress (Visited 8/23/17).

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